
Resolve Health Physio

Within your physiotherapy appointment, a number of techniques will be employed to aid your body and maximise recovery, including:

  • Exercise therapy – including specific muscle strengthening and stretching, balance re-training, muscle memory re-training (neuromuscular control), muscle imbalance correction
  • Soft tissue mobilisation
  • Deep transverse friction massage
  • Joint mobilisation
  • Spinal manipulation
  • Deep-tissue massage
  • Specific muscle stretching
  • Strapping
  • Ultrasound therapy

We end our sessions with a home management program that will also act as a maintenance program, and aim to maximise your response to treatment. These involve simple mobility exercises for you to do, using basic furniture or household items as aids. You’d be surprised how much they can really help!

Get in touch


Cowan House
21 Ellenborough Park North, W-S-M,
North Somerset BS23 1XQ
CALL 01934 643262
The Waterside Suite
Weston General Hospital, Grange Road,
Uphill, W-S-M, North Somerset BS23 4TQ
CALL 01934 427900

Located in the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare, Resolve Health Physiotherapy lies in a key location for North Somerset. With accessible transport links to both Bristol and Clevedon in the north, and Bridgwater and Glastonbury to the south – our clinic can serve the South West of England with ease.